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Points and medals


When a student completes an exercise, they are rewarded with a certain number of points. Points will only be rewarded for the first attempt. The amount of points is partly based on the score.

Gold Medal

Students receive a Gold Medal for excellent results. For a Gold Medal, a student must complete 25 consecutive exercises with a score of 80% or higher.

Learners Award

This is a reward for students who make good progress. They receive this reward if they compete 10 consecutive exercises with a score of 60% or higher.

Listening Pro

This reward is for students who are good at listening. For this medal, they have to complete 10 consecutive listening exercises with a score of 80% or higher.

Reading Pro

This reward is for students who are good at reading. For this medal, they have to complete 10 consecutive reading exercises with a score of 80% or higher.

Vocab Pro

(Premium only) This reward is for students who are good at learning vocabulary. For this medal, they have to complete 10 consecutive vocab exercises with a score of 80% or higher.

View points and medals

To view the points and medals achieved in a class, go to "Results" in the "Teaching" menu. Open the class and choose "Rewards" from the green menu on the left. You can choose the time period which you would like to see the rewards for.

Do you want to view the points and medals of individual students? Then click on Teaching> Click on the Class> Student. Here you will see the points and if you further click on Medals, you will also see the medals earned.